How to Eat that frog with a Pomodoro?

usama asim
2 min readAug 21, 2020


Procrastination is one of the biggest obstacle in our way on doing things on time. It disturbs our life, and makes us lazy and dependent on others. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. In order to achieve something, one has to overcome procrastination.

I, myself, have been a victim of procrastination for a long time. I do not start anything until a deadline related to that work approaches. So, in blog I will try share my experience on overcoming procrastination using Pomodoro technique, and did I felt afterwards.

Souce: Google Images

I had registered to many online courses in the beginning of lockdown, but I was not able to complete any of them because of some inner conflicts. So, today I tried to complete one of the course “Arduino Robot devices and Programming” using pomodoro technique, and it was an extremely good experience.

Was this experiment difficult for you or not that difficult?

No, the experiment was not difficult, actually it was very relaxing and easy to execute. Concentrating on something for 25 minutes is not a big challenge. I was able to do this very easily, and after every 25 minutes I listened to an energetic song which was very energetic and refreshing.

Did it help you accomplish more or about the same?

Yes, I was able to complete a section of this online course. In usual circumstances I would have been bored to death in attending these kinds of courses. But pomodoro technique kept is engaged throughout, and I found the course to be very informative and knowledgeable. In short, it was a good experience.

Do you plan on doing this again regularly, and what will you do to improve the experience?

Yes, I will try to do this regularly. This exercise is useful in doing difficult tasks. Tasks in doing so under normal circumstances, we just give up. In order to improve the experience in the near future, I will try to turn off my internet connection, as I was getting distracted because of the noise of social media notifications.

