A journey being a Amal fellow

usama asim
3 min readOct 9, 2020


A journey is not completed until we reach its final destination. Sadly, for me a wonderful journey of being a fellow at Amal fellowship program is about to end:). So in this blog in would like my experiences full of positivity and happiness. Although my heart will forever remain connected with my project managers and fellows; whom with I had a entertaining and joyful 3 months. But as they say, you have to move on from the past things in order to have a clear view of the future.

1. Instance with most impact?

For me, everything I have learned or witnessed from the online sessions, courses, interaction with fellows and doing creative and innovative project works; have impacted me in a very positive way. It is very difficult for me to shortlist one or two most impactful moments. But one the moments I remember the most is when Ma’am Zara shared her life map with all the fellows. I mean, it was very heart touching and emotional for fellows and ma’am Zara as well. That life map should be a source of inspiration and motivation for everyone.

Another impactful moment that I could remember is giving mock interview. It was such great learning experience for me. I was the last among all our fellows to be interviewed…lol. Yet, the wait was worth it. I got to learn a lot from Sir Asfandyar. He pointed out my positives, as well as my weaknesses. I will try my best in the near future to overcome my deficiencies; so that I can deliver a good interview.

2. Thinking about myself

One of the principles of Amal is Khudi-self reflection. It is all about knowing yourself and how you can impact the others around you in a positive way, if you know yourself better. Amal give me the opportunity to think about myself, in a positive way. Before joining the fellowship, I was a bit kinda lost. My life purpose was at its weakest point at that particular moment. But taking online courses and solving projects related to self reflection helped me a lot in overcoming the difficulties I was facing. Writing down my own smart goals was one of ways for me to recognize myself.

3. Realization of positive energy in order people

I am not quite sure about it. I am a type of a person who does not exhibit positive and energetic vibes that much. So, it is very difficult for me to remember the ways through which I would have transmitted positive vibes to other, and helped them to change a perspective about things. I always try to be helpful and humble to others. Whenever someone approaches me to get some help on something, I always try to help that person with best of my abilities. I believe so by doing such acts, I probably would have been a source of inspiration or motivation for someone. Otherwise, I cannot think of any other method.

4. Doing things differently

There is always a room for improvement. No matter which work you do, perfection in anything cannot be achieved. Looking things backwards, there are plenty of moments at which I could have done things differently. I could have put more effort in project work. As a result, my work could have been more creative and impactful than before. Procrastination is one my obstacle to overcome. Till now, I waste my time by sitting ideally on laptop and scrolling through Youtube videos. I can improve this lazy behaviour of mine, by following a proper schedule. A daily routine map will help to work on my priorities.


It is sad for me that this journey is about to end. I have learnt a lot from my beautiful fellows and program managers. I hope this beautiful relationship of ours, would remain intact throughout our lives.

